Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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474 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "CExecutive"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EWaitMode
ewmWaitIdle = -1
End Enum
Public Enum EErrorExecutive
eeBaseExecutive = 13060 ' CExecutive
End Enum
Private Start As STARTUPINFO
Private sInitDir As String
Private sProg As String
Private iExit As Long
Private ewm As EWaitMode
Private sPipedInText As String, hReadStdIn As Long, hWriteStdIn As Long
Private sPipedOutText As String, hReadStdOut As Long, hWriteStdOut As Long
Private sPipedErrText As String, hReadStdErr As Long, hWriteStdErr As Long
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Private Sub CloseAll()
CloseHandleNull hReadStdIn
CloseHandleNull hWriteStdIn
CloseHandleNull hReadStdOut
CloseHandleNull hReadStdErr
End Sub
Sub Reset()
With Start
.cb = LenB(Start)
.dwFlags = 0
.lpTitle = sNullStr
.dwX = -1
.dwY = -1
.dwXSize = -1
.dwYSize = -1
.dwFillAttribute = -1
.dwXCountChars = -1
.dwYCountChars = -1
.wShowWindow = -1
End With
With proc
.dwProcessId = 0
.dwThreadId = 0
.hProcess = 0
.hThread = 0
End With
sInitDir = sNullStr
iExit = -1
ewm = ewmNoWait
End Sub
Property Get WaitMode() As EWaitMode
WaitMode = ewm
End Property
Property Let WaitMode(ByVal ewmA As EWaitMode)
Select Case ewmA
Case ewmWaitDead, ewmWaitIdle
ewm = ewmA
Case Else ' Unrecognized same as ewmNoWait
ewm = ewmNoWait
End Select
End Property
Property Get ProcessID() As Long
ProcessID = proc.dwProcessId
End Property
Property Get ThreadID() As Long
ThreadID = proc.dwThreadId
End Property
Property Get ExitCode() As Long
If ewm <> ewmNoWait Then
' If a WaitMode was on, we already have the exit code
ExitCode = iExit
' Otherwise open a handle and get exit code
Dim hProcess As Long
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, _
GetExitCodeProcess hProcess, ExitCode
End If
End Property
Property Get Completed() As Boolean
Completed = (ExitCode <> STILL_ACTIVE)
End Property
Property Get Show() As VbAppWinStyle
Show = Start.wShowWindow
End Property
Property Let Show(eswShow As VbAppWinStyle)
With Start
.wShowWindow = eswShow
If eswShow = -1 Then
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW)
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Title() As String
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
Title = Start.lpTitle
Title = StrConv(Start.lpTitle, vbUnicode)
End If
End Property
Property Let Title(sTitle As String)
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
Start.lpTitle = sTitle
Start.lpTitle = StrConv(sTitle, vbFromUnicode)
End If
End Property
Property Get InitDir() As String
InitDir = sInitDir
End Property
Property Let InitDir(sInitDirA As String)
If MUtility.ExistFileDir(sInitDirA) Then sInitDir = sInitDirA
End Property
Property Get Left() As Long
Left = Start.dwX
End Property
Property Let Left(ByVal xLeft As Long)
With Start
.dwX = xLeft
If .dwX = -1 Then
.dwY = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USEPOSITION)
.dwFlags = .dwFlags Or STARTF_USEPOSITION
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Top() As Long
Top = Start.dwY
End Property
Property Let Top(ByVal yTop As Long)
With Start
.dwY = yTop
If .dwX = -1 Then
.dwY = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USEPOSITION)
.dwFlags = .dwFlags Or STARTF_USEPOSITION
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Width() As Long
Width = Start.dwXSize
End Property
Property Let Width(ByVal xWidth As Long)
With Start
.dwXSize = xWidth
If .dwXSize = -1 Then
.dwYSize = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USESIZE)
.dwFlags = .dwFlags Or STARTF_USESIZE
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Height() As Long
Height = Start.dwYSize
End Property
Property Let Height(ByVal yHeight As Long)
With Start
.dwYSize = yHeight
If .dwYSize = -1 Then
.dwXSize = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USESIZE)
.dwFlags = .dwFlags Or STARTF_USESIZE
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Columns() As Long
Columns = Start.dwXCountChars
End Property
Property Let Columns(ByVal xColumns As Long)
With Start
.dwXCountChars = xColumns
If .dwXCountChars = -1 Then
.dwYCountChars = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS)
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get Rows() As Long
Rows = Start.dwYCountChars
End Property
Property Let Rows(ByVal yRows As Long)
With Start
.dwYCountChars = yRows
If .dwYCountChars = -1 Then
.dwXCountChars = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS)
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get BackColor() As Long
BackColor = MBytes.LoByte(Start.dwFillAttribute)
End Property
Property Let BackColor(ByVal atrBackColor As Long)
With Start
If atrBackColor = -1 Then
.dwFillAttribute = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE)
atrBackColor = MBytes.LShiftWord(atrBackColor, 4)
.dwFillAttribute = .dwFillAttribute And &HF Or atrBackColor
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get ForeColor() As Long
ForeColor = MBytes.HiByte(MBytes.LoWord(Start.dwFillAttribute))
End Property
Property Let ForeColor(ByVal atrForeColor As Long)
With Start
If atrForeColor = -1 Then
.dwFillAttribute = -1
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE)
.dwFillAttribute = .dwFillAttribute And &HF0 Or atrForeColor
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get FullScreen() As Boolean
FullScreen = Start.dwFlags And STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN
End Property
Property Let FullScreen(fFullScreen As Boolean)
With Start
If fFullScreen Then
.dwFlags = .dwFlags And (Not STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN)
End If
End With
End Property
Property Get IsWindowed() As Boolean
Dim ept As EProgramType
ept = MExeType.ExeType(ProgPath)
IsWindowed = ept <> eptMSDOS And ept <> eptWin32Console And _
ept <> eptDOSUnknown And ept <> eptOS2_1
End Property
Property Get ProgName() As String
ProgName = MUtility.GetFileBaseExt(MUtility.SearchForExe(sProg))
End Property
Property Get ProgPath() As String
ProgPath = MUtility.GetFullPath(MUtility.SearchForExe(sProg))
End Property
Property Get PipedInText() As String
PipedInText = sPipedInText
End Property
Property Let PipedInText(sPipedInTextA As String)
sPipedInText = sPipedInTextA
' Close any open handles
CloseHandleNull hReadStdIn
CloseHandleNull hWriteStdIn
End Property
Property Get PipedOutText() As String
PipedOutText = sPipedOutText
End Property
Property Get PipedErrText() As String
PipedErrText = sPipedErrText
End Property
Sub Run(sCmd As String)
' Process any environment variables
Dim sCmdLine As String, sPipeOut As String, sPipeErr As String
sCmdLine = MUtility.ExpandEnvStr(sCmd)
sProg = MParse.GetQToken(sCmdLine, " ")
' Create standard input, output, and error pipes
' Create process and run it
If CreateProcess(sNullStr, sCmdLine, ByVal pNull, ByVal pNull, _
APITRUE, 0&, pNull, sInitDir, Start, proc) Then
' Must close write end of out and err handles before you can read
CloseHandleNull hWriteStdOut
CloseHandleNull hWriteStdErr
Select Case ewm
Case ewmWaitIdle
' Wait, but allow painting and other processing
GetExitCodeProcess proc.hProcess, iExit
Loop Until ReadPipeChunk And ReadPipeErrChunk And Completed
Case ewmWaitDead
' Stop dead until process terminates
Dim iResult As Long
iResult = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, INFINITE)
If iResult = WAIT_FAILED Then ErrRaise Err.LastDllError
' Get the return value
GetExitCodeProcess proc.hProcess, iExit
Loop Until ReadPipeChunk And ReadPipeErrChunk And Completed
Case Else
' Caller must call use ExitCode and pipe chunks directly
End Select
CloseHandleNull proc.hProcess
CloseHandleNull proc.hThread
ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CloseHandleNull(h As Long)
If h <> hNull Then CloseHandle h
h = hNull
End Sub
Sub CreatePipes()
With Start
Dim saPipe As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, f As Long, c As Long
saPipe.nLength = LenB(saPipe)
saPipe.bInheritHandle = APITRUE
saPipe.lpSecurityDescriptor = pNull
' Create anonymous pipe for standard output
f = CreatePipe(hReadStdOut, hWriteStdOut, saPipe, 0)
If f = False Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
.hStdOutput = hWriteStdOut
' Create anonymous pipe for standard error
f = CreatePipe(hReadStdErr, hWriteStdErr, saPipe, 0)
If f = False Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
.hStdError = hWriteStdErr
If sPipedInText = sEmpty Then
.hStdInput = hNull
' Create anonymous pipe for standard input
f = CreatePipe(hReadStdIn, hWriteStdIn, saPipe, 0)
If f = False Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
.hStdInput = hReadStdIn
' Write input string to handle
Dim abPipedInText() As Byte
MBytes.StrToBytes abPipedInText, sPipedInText
f = WriteFile(hWriteStdIn, abPipedInText(0), _
MBytes.LenBytes(abPipedInText), c, ByVal pNull)
If f = False Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
CloseHandleNull hWriteStdIn
End If
End With
End Sub
Function ReadPipeChunk(Optional sChunk As String, _
Optional ByVal cWant As Long = 512) As Boolean
Dim f As Long, cGot As Long, cPeek As Long, fDone As Boolean, abChunk() As Byte
' See if program is done
fDone = Completed
' See if there's more in the pipe
f = PeekNamedPipe(hReadStdOut, pNull, 0, 0, cPeek, 0)
If (f <> 0) And (cPeek <> 0) Then
' Read a chunk of bytes
ReDim abChunk(0 To cWant - 1)
Call ReadFile(hReadStdOut, abChunk(0), cWant, cGot, ByVal pNull)
sChunk = MBytes.LeftBytes(abChunk, cGot)
sPipedOutText = sPipedOutText & sChunk
End If
' Strange difference between WinNT and Win95
If MUtility.IsNT Then
If (cGot = 0) And fDone Then ReadPipeChunk = True
If (cPeek = 0) And fDone Then ReadPipeChunk = True
End If
End Function
Function ReadPipeErrChunk(Optional sChunk As String, _
Optional ByVal cWant As Long = 512) As Boolean
Dim f As Long, cGot As Long, cPeek As Long, fDone As Boolean, abChunk() As Byte
' See if program is done
fDone = Completed
' See if there's more in the pipe
f = PeekNamedPipe(hReadStdErr, pNull, 0, 0, cPeek, 0)
If (f <> 0) And (cPeek <> 0) Then
' Read a chunk of bytes
ReDim abChunk(0 To cWant - 1)
Call ReadFile(hReadStdErr, abChunk(0), cWant, cGot, ByVal pNull)
sChunk = MBytes.LeftBytes(abChunk, cGot)
sPipedErrText = sPipedErrText & sChunk
End If
' Strange difference between WinNT and Win95
If MUtility.IsNT Then
If (cGot = 0) And fDone Then ReadPipeErrChunk = True
If (cPeek = 0) And fDone Then ReadPipeErrChunk = True
End If
End Function
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Executive"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseExecutive
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If